For beauty is treacherous
And kindness a trap
Surround yourself with goodness and light
Goodness that's guarded
And light dimly bright
Surround yourself with goodness and light
For the real battle
Has yet to begin
For the real battle
Has yet to begin
Surround yourself with goodness and light
For no single victor
Can conquer the demons
For no single victor
Can conquer the demons
Surround yourself with goodness and light
For there are demons
Lurking within
Lurking within
Surround yourself with goodness and light
Guard yourself against
Emptiness, sorrow, despair
Guard yourself against
Emptiness, sorrow, despair
Surround yourself with goodness and light
For in the darkness
Demons play
Surround yourself with goodness and light
For the demons within
Are yearning to win
For the demons within
Are yearning to win
Surround yourself with goodness and light
Though the goodness be hidden
Though the light be dimly bright
Surround yourself with goodness and light
For life is hard
And the world unjust
Surround yourself with goodness and light
We need a little kindness
To conquer the dusk
For life is hard
And the world unjust
Surround yourself with goodness and light
We need a little kindness
To conquer the dusk